DealRoom – Using DealRoom to Plan Merger Acquisition Integration
One common M&A mistake is to treat integration as a standard part of the process. This can cause tunnel-vision, harm alignment in the bigger picture and relationships with customers, which can undermine the deal’s potential value. This is why successful acquirers make sure to tailor their integration plans to each acquisition’s specific goals.
The integration process is difficult due to the number of moving parts that must work together seamlessly. From the IT systems to merging departments, and determining the new organizational structure, there are numerous challenges in terms of technology and culture to be overcome to ensure the success.
Centralizing and streamlining communication is vital to overcome these issues. Acquirers who utilize DealRoom for due diligence have visit the website reported an increase in collaboration, a reduction in the number of disconnected emails, as well as more efficient M&A Management. DealRoom can be used to monitor integration after a transaction is closed, and to avoid the pitfalls which can slow down or hinder its progress.
A crucial part of the planning process is identifying a leadership team to facilitate the integration effort. This is crucial, as the absence of leadership support and alignment is a leading reason for the failure of integration. It is also important to prioritize tasks and form groups to take on them. This allows for the allocation of resources, such as expertise, management attention and time, which can lead to an efficient and effective integration.
Marketing and branding are typically the most effective sources for synergies within an integration. This kind of integration that is functional takes place on a function-by-function basis, and involves coordinating the messages and portfolios of products, and putting together an overall strategy for going-to-market.