Online Storage Approach to the Present Invention
The present advent is a electronic safe-keeping system that allows users to create and retail store sequential data sets, without the need of the a lot computer to receive the data in chunks. This invention provides an successful means to set aside space upon disk runs.
A digital storage system of the invention is essentially a cpu that allocates space over a fast disc memory unit to store a data set. The invention as well features an external memory system that decides where you can store the information. This reminiscence subsystem is important for high storage performance.
The present invention uses info compression and decompression processes to improve safe-keeping efficiency. The invention also contains an intelligent memory subsystem to perform different data backing up operations. Introduced also has the ability to instantly retrieve a duplicate of a darkness recording. This gives an added degree of versatility and reliability inside the operation with the storage system.
The invention could be made from is sold elements. The invention is particularly matched just for large mainframes. The invention can also be used in conjunction with changes to the operating-system of the host. The invention can be combined with in any method that is effortless.
The invention can be used to store specific pages of data in frame within a info cache. The invention also has the advantage of being able to support a large number of info sets on a single magnetic storage medium. In addition, it introduces the idea of variable volumes of prints.